


Who am I?

Software Engineer undergrad from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
I am a highly skilled software developer with a passion for creating innovative and user-friendly applications. With a strong background in programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and JavaScript, as well as experience working with frameworks and libraries such as React, Next.js, Node.js, and Express.js, I bring a wealth of technical expertise to any project.
I have a proven track record of successfully delivering projects, including my collaboration project with SELISE Digital Platforms where I designed a text-editor in C++, and my team project 'Travel+', a travel forum-based website built using Next.js, PostgreSQL, and GraphQL. I also demonstrated my problem solving skills by solving 200+ problems in various online judges including Codeforces, HackerRank, and Leetcode.
In addition to my technical skills, I am a highly motivated individual with a strong work ethic. I am currently pursuing a BSc degree at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology and maintains a CGPA of 3.48. My interests include travelling and football. I also have experience in working with different tools and methodologies such as Agile Development, Trello, Azure, Adobe XD, GitHub, Docker, Jira, and Confluence. I have been recognized for my work, having been a National Finalist in the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2017 for my AI concept to mimic human behavior and 8th in Sylhet region in BDApps National Hackathon 2022 for a student Ed-Tech community platform. I am also an active member of various organizations.
Overall, I am a highly skilled and dedicated software developer who is always looking for new challenges and opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge. My portfolio website, anindo.me, provides a detailed overview of my work and experience, and I can be reached at sarkeranindo@gmail.com or via my LinkedIn profile at linkedin/anindo-sarker or via Github profile github/anindo9185 and Codeforces/anindo_2 for more information.