Essential VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts for Coders: A Beginner's Guide for Mac, Windows, and Linux Users
Essential VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts for Coders: A Beginner's Guide for Mac, Windows, and Linux Users

Essential VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts for Coders: A Beginner's Guide for Mac, Windows, and Linux Users



If you're a coder, you know that every second counts when it comes to getting your work done efficiently. And one way to save time and streamline your workflow is by using keyboard shortcuts. In this article, we'll share with you some essential VS Code keyboard shortcuts that every coder should know. We'll cover shortcuts for creating new files and folders, opening terminals and projects, and more. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, these shortcuts will help boost your productivity and make coding a breeze.

Section 1: Getting Started

Before we dive into the keyboard shortcuts, let's take a quick look at how to access them. To view all the keyboard shortcuts available in VS Code, press Ctrl + K followed by Ctrl + S (or Cmd + K followed by Cmd + S on a Mac). This will open up the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, where you can search for specific shortcuts or browse through the various categories.

Section 2: Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Coders

2.1 Creating New Files and Folders:

Creating a new file or folder is a common task when working on a coding project. Here are some shortcuts to help you do it quickly:
  • Create a new file: Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on a Mac)
  • Create a new folder: Ctrl + Shift + N (Cmd + Shift + N on a Mac)

2.2 Opening Terminals and Projects:

Working with the terminal and opening projects are other tasks that coders do frequently. Here are some shortcuts to help you do it quickly:
  • Open the integrated terminal: Ctrl + Backtick (Cmd + Backtick on a Mac)
  • Open a new terminal instance: Ctrl + Shift + Backtick (Cmd + Shift + Backtick on a Mac)
  • Open a folder in VS Code: Ctrl + K followed by Ctrl + O (Cmd + K followed by Cmd + O on a Mac)

2.3 Navigation and Selection:

Navigating and selecting text are essential tasks for coders. Here are some shortcuts to help you do it quickly:
  • Move the cursor to the beginning of the line: Home
  • Move the cursor to the end of the line: End
  • Select the entire line: Ctrl + L (Cmd + L on a Mac)
  • Select the word under the cursor: Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on a Mac)

Section 3: Conclusion

By using these essential VS Code keyboard shortcuts, you'll be able to work more efficiently and get your coding tasks done in less time. And the best part is, they're easy to learn and remember. So why not start using them today and take your productivity to the next level?